Monday, March 30, 2009

Calling all gaming widows...

We’ve all been there, haven’t we girls? Your boyfriend has some new PS3 / Xbox / other games console game that he suddenly has to play every spare second... And what do we do? Do we feel neglected, & sulk? Or nag him not to play it so much? I have considered these 2 options, but the truth is that my boyfriend just gets SO excited about these things that I don’t have to heart to rain on his parade. So I generally occupy myself with other things & smile sweetly whenever he remembers that I am in the room. But this weekend I tried something different. Option 3.

His latest thing is the racing game Forza Motorsport on the Xbox. I’ve watched him race a few times, but yesterday I asked if I could have a go. I’m not a gamer at all, so I was pretty rubbish at first, but I persevered, & after a while, not only was I much better, I found that I was actually really enjoying it! And what’s more I think my boyfriend enjoyed showing me how to play too. So, my advice to all gaming widows out there is this - just get involved! After all, as they say, if you can’t beat them, join them - and you might even find that you enjoy it!

Just one more tip though - make sure that you pick the right game. I really liked Forza, but I will always be terrible at virtua tennis. I think it's a hand-eye coordination issue; maybe it's a girl thing, or maybe it's just me. Either way, I’m so bad at it that when we attempted to play a match a few weeks ago I just got incredibly annoyed, which kind of defeated the whole point...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hi, I’m Princess Scampi, welcome to my blog!

I’ll be posting my thoughts on all sorts of things, and since I don’t really filter my brain as much as I probably should do, I guess it might end up being a bit random...

So that’s it really, it’s just a blog where you can read the honest thoughts of a 100% genuine princess (honestly!) who somehow ended up being re-named (by her boyfriend) after some battered seafood.... See I told you - random! No one actually reads these things anyway, right?